
Conservatives Say Goodbye to Mozilla Firefox

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Say Goodbye to Firefox

Due to the recent actions of Mozilla in failing to support the free speech rights of its CEO, knuckling to predatory political pressure from gays and others, the time has come to stop using Mozilla and its Firefox internet browser.

Goodbye Firefox!  Click here for instructions on how to uninstall Firefox.

The Simple Way a Republican Can Win the Presidency

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ReaganThe next Republican serious candidate needs to do one simple, national speech that will take less than two minutes.  Get in front of the camera and say this:

“As President of the United States, America will no longer do business with any country that does not treat women equally both by their laws and actions.”

Sit back and think of the brilliance of that platform approach. First, it’s Reagan-esque…  In one simple sentence you ended the Democrat “War on Women” meme that is falsely used against Republicans.  You put Saudi Arabia and any Muslim country on notice without attacking their religion, but by forcefully applying the principles in America’s Constitution.   It also beats the liberal’s game when they trot out the “fairness” card and any other equality red herrings.

It’s truly that simple.  No pandering.  No bullshit.  It’s something Reagan might have done if presented with modern circumstances, and it would be a profound platform to run on that would truly change the world for the better, while simultaneously solving dozens of Conservative political issues.

Republicans, you can thank me later.

Did InTrade.com Cause Mitt Romney to Lose the Presidential Election?

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First, is InTrade.com prediction exchange being forced out of business?  Sure looks like it.

Please note that while we will try our very best to ultimately return 100% of Members’ settled account balances, we can make no promise or assurance that we will be able to do so. It is possible that, even though we gain a sufficient number of Members to agree to provide forbearance to the Company, the Company may go into liquidation in the future.

By Tuesday, April 16, 2013, we expect to be able to inform our members if sufficient forbearance has been achieved. If so, we will then resume limited operations of the Company and we will be able to process requests for withdrawals as agreed. If sufficient forbearance has not been achieved, it seems extremely likely that the Company will be forced into liquidation.

I am truly grateful for your personal expressions of support and your patience as we try to deal with this unfortunate circumstance. I appreciate the feedback provided, and I intend to exceed your expectations as we try to correct this situation. I hope that you decide to stand by our side in the effort to preserve the Company and in our efforts to pursue the complete restitution of all of your funds.

Then, some comments over at RT, Interestingly indicate they think the website had a lot to do with Mitt Romney losing the 2012 Presidential Election

InTrade in Ireland was looking to do something similar for politics with their ‘prediction market’. It sent out ‘price signals’ about which candidates were actually winning and losing market share ahead of elections and this infuriated Washington’s corrupt insiders. When InTrade and other ‘quants’ sunk Mitt Romney’s chances to win the last presidential election, the powers that be had had enough. InTrade has been taken off line without much by way of explanation.

Wow.  Those are some nice rumors coupled with InTrade’s shut down website reality might make for something to keep an eye on.

Obama Administration Releases New “Pocket Budget”

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Obama Administration Releases New “Pocket Budget”


The Truth About Liberalism

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The Truth About Liberalism:


Post-CPAC Interview of Ann Coulter, Liberal Nightmare, by Hannity

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The one-woman liberal wrecking machine: