war of necessity

What Bush Should Have Said and Why Obama is Failing

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Liberals would like you to believe that the Bush Doctrine was about wars for oil. Like most liberal memes, that notion lacked reality.  The Bush Doctrine basically said we will not wait until we are attacked, ever again, before we fight back.  It was essentially the biggest foreign policy change in modern political history, and a necessary move to allow the US to fight escalating terrorism and other real threats worldwide.

President Obama often called Iraq a ‘war of choice.’  Liberals and the mainstream press (heretofore known just as “Liberals”) seized the meme and convinced voters that was a good thing.  History will show they were wrong, and Syria is case and point.  Obama now finds himself trapped by his own ignorant past statements, and more recently by his own ‘red line’ about chemical weapons.

There is no denying nearly 100,000 are dead in Syria and while the blame for many of them is not Obama’s, it’s starting to look like probably half those might be.   Obama’s ‘choice’ to not intervene was a cold, incorrect liberal political calculation that suffers this generation who only pretend they are strong like Regan, but know nothing of him beyond his name.  Obama stood by as Syrian cities were retaken by the rebels, and then the rebels were crushed by the Syrian Government.

Looking back, if Bush could have responded differently to this ‘war of choice’ meme, he might have summed up his doctrine and said, “We fight the wars we choose to so we don’t have to fight the wars we have to.”  Simple. Profound. Pithy. True. Sadly, those words never came from Bush.

“We fight the wars we choose to so we don’t have to fight the wars we have to.”

obamadancegoonThe Daily KOS once said “Obamacare is the Iraq of the Obama administration.”  Now a red line has been crossed in Syria. Terrorists have just bombed Boston, the fifth successful known placing / activation of terrorist weapons on American soil during the Obama Presidency.  Obama’s high-road has been crumbling away slowly, and no amount of irony was spared now that Obama has managed, through his hyper-partisan inaction, to turn the Syrian ‘war of choice’ into a ‘war of necessity.’