The Ides of March Looks to Punish Democrats

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November is coming…

obamadancegoon.pngIn March 2006, when George W. Bush was president, 41% rated the economy “excellent” or “good” while 24% called it “poor” in an ABC News/Washington Post poll. Yet in that year’s midterms, Republicans lost six Senate seats and 30 House seats.

The situation facing Democrats is more ominous. The March 2 ABC News/Washington Post survey reported a mere 28% rated the economy “excellent” or “good” while 28% called it “poor.” Unless the Obama economy dramatically improves, it will be politically toxic for Democrats.

Democrats no longer have health care as a strength. The dreadful rollout of ObamaCare left the president with a 36% approval rating and a 59% disapproval rating for his handling of health care in a March 6 Fox News poll.

via March Economic Polls Bode Ill For Democrats | Karl Rove.

One thought on “The Ides of March Looks to Punish Democrats

    ebrew79 said:
    March 21, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    Hmm. If only Democrats could get their base to the polls without the obstacles of modern poll taxes and jelly bean counts particularly in North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

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